Journal Publicuho <div id="journalDescription"> <div id="journalDescription"> <table class="data" width="100%" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"> <tbody> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Journal title</td> <td width="80%"><strong>Journal Publicuho</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Accreditation</td> <td width="80%"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>SINTA 4</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Frequency</td> <td width="80%"><strong>4 issues per year (February, May, August, November)</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">DOI</td> <td width="80%"><strong>Prefix <a title="CroosRef Prefix" href=";from_ui=yes" target="_blank" rel="noopener">10.35817</a> by <a href=";from_ui=yes"><img src="" alt="" width="59" height="15" /></a> </strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Online ISSN</td> <td width="80%"><strong><a title="ISSN online" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2621-1351 <sup>(online)</sup></a> <a title="ISSN print" href=";1556607926&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2685-0729 <sup>(print)</sup></a></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Editor-in-chief</td> <td width="80%"><strong><a href=";hl=id&amp;authuser=1" target="_blank" rel="noopener">La Ode Muhammad Elwan</a> (<br /></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Publisher</td> <td width="80%"><strong>Laboratorium Jurusan Ilmu Adm. 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Other than the aims mentioned above, the editorial board is not responsible for copyright violations.</li> </ol> <p><a href="" rel="license"><img src="" alt="Creative Commons License" /></a> <strong>Journal Publicuho</strong> this work is licensed under a <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a></p> <p>Copyright ©2022 <strong>Author</strong> Powered by <a role="button" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Public Knowledge Project OJS</a></p> TINGKAT PARTISIPASI MASYARAKAT TERHADAP PROGRAM PUSPAGA BALAI RW UPAYA PENCEGAHAN KEKERASAN PEREMPUAN DAN ANAK DI KOTA SURABAYA <p><em>Children are a state asset in the future as a generation that will carry the fate of the Indonesian nation. To make the country better and more advanced, it is very necessary to protect Indonesian children from acts of violence and realize gender equality because to bring about a better nation, we need golden generations who are intelligent in knowledge and morals, but in reality, the number of acts of violence against children and the majority of victims being female is always increasing. The Surabaya city government is committed to collaborating with DP3APPKB in carrying out responsive prevention of acts of violence against women and children, through the RW Hall Learning Center which aims to expand services to prevent acts of violence through psycho-educational outreach and counseling in every smallest environment, namely every RW. The method used is qualitative and presented descriptively. The results of this research show that the level of community participation is the main requirement in implementing the vision and mission of the Puspaga Balai Rw program.</em></p> Putri Desi Andriani Agus Prianto Copyright (c) 2024 Putri Desi Andriani, Agus Prianto 2024-08-04 2024-08-04 7 3 1029 1040 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.445 EFEKTIVITAS SOSIALISASI DALAM PELAKSANAAN PEMILU SERENTAK 2024 DI KABUPATEN SIDOARJO <p><em>This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of socialization in the implementation of the 2024 elections in Sidoarjo Regency by using Gibson et al.'s (2003) theory of effectiveness as its analytical tool. This study uses a case study type of research with a qualitative approach. In this study, secondary data sources were used, namely data collected through interviews and observations of the community who participated in socialization activities and primary data obtained from reading materials. The results of the study show that the socialization carried out by the Sidoarjo Regency KPU has succeeded in increasing public participation in the election, as reflected in the increase in the number of permanent voters by 4.58% from 2019. The adaptation of socialization methods through social media and digital content since the COVID-19 pandemic has also proven effective in reaching various levels of society, including remote areas and special communities. Overall, this study confirms that the socialization strategy implemented by the Sidoarjo Regency KPU is effective in supporting the implementation of the 2024 simultaneous elections, and contributes to increasing political participation and public awareness of the importance of elections in Indonesian democracy.</em></p> <p> </p> Salsa Nanda Afika Arini Darajah Lutfiatul Laili Arrohmati Julia Putri Anggraini Syam Rahmanto Copyright (c) 2024 Salsa Nanda Afika, Arini Darajah, Lutfiatul Laili Arrohmati, Julia Putri Anggraini, Syam Rahmanto 2024-08-09 2024-08-09 7 3 1041 1053 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.456 TANGGUNG JAWAB PERDATA ATAS TINDAKAN LALAI KURATOR DALAM KEPENGURUSAN HARTA PAILIT (BOEDEL PAILIT) <p><em>This study aims to determine the Civil Liability for Negligent Actions of the Curator in the Management of Bankrupt Assets (Boedel Bankrupt). The method used in this study is the normative legal method, which is carried out by researching and reviewing theories, principles, legal concepts, and also relevant laws and regulations. The results of the study show that the Curator has broad duties and authorities in managing and settling bankrupt assets since being appointed by the Commercial Court Judge, and is responsible professionally and with integrity. If the curator is negligent to the point of causing losses, they can be held personally liable in accordance with Article 72 of the UUK and Articles 1365 and 1367 of the Civil Code.</em></p> <p> </p> Aditya Rizal Ranovianto Merline Eva Lyanthi Copyright (c) 2024 Aditya Rizal Ranovianto, Merline Eva Lyanthi 2024-08-09 2024-08-09 7 3 1054 1064 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.457 EVALUASI IMPLEMENTASI PERDA NO.6 TAHUN 2021 TENTANG PENYANDANG DISABILITAS DALAM HAK KETENAGAKERJAAN DI KABUPATEN PASURUAN <p><em>The Pasuruan Regency Government has issued Local Regulation Number 6 of 2021 concerning persons with disabilities, which is basically issued to fulfill the rights of persons with disabilities. The implementation of the regional regulation has not run optimally, especially in the aspect of employment accessibility for persons with disabilities in private companies and regionally-owned companies. This research aims to find out about the evaluation of the policy implementation of Pasuruan Regency regional regulation number 6 of 2021 concerning persons with disabilities in employment rights in Pasuruan Regency. The research method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative method. With data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews , documentation. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of regional regulation number 6 of 2021 concerning persons with disabilities in Pasuruan Regency is still not optimal, the ratio of the number of disabilities to companies receiving disability labor is only around 0.01%. The lack of enforcement of sanctions and the absence of regular supervision of companies, as well as the lack of socialization related to disability rights awareness to companies are obstacle factors.</em></p> Lailatul Sakdiyah A’an Warul Ulum Copyright (c) 2024 Lailatul Sakdiyah, A’an Warul Ulum 2024-08-09 2024-08-09 7 3 1065 1076 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.458 PENGUATAN PERAN PEMERINTAHAN MELALUI COLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE DALAM MENYEDIAKAN LAPANGAN KERJA INKLUSI DI KABUPATEN PASURUAN <p><em>This study aims to strengthen the role of government through collaborative governance in providing inclusive employment in Pasuruan Regency. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods, data analysis using the interactive model of Miles and Huberman (2014), and aims to describe and analyse 1). Institutional conditions are an effort to fulfil employment opportunities by providing inclusive employment for people with disabilities in Pasuruan Regency; 2). Supporting and inhibiting factors in efforts to fulfil employment opportunities for people with disabilities. The result of this research is that the implementation practice needs to involve collaboration from various stakeholders such as the government, the community, and the private sector. In addition, it requires good institutional quality such as adequate resources, a strong level of trust and networking to ensure accountability from each actor. One of the efforts that can be made to create participatory institutions is through a collaborative governance approach. This model is important to apply in institutional strengthening to overcome weak networks, systems, and levels of trust among stakeholders so that it is expected to be able to create an inclusive environment for disabilities in terms of employment opportunities.</em></p> Dian Feradiah Agus Prianto Copyright (c) 2024 Dian Feradiah, Agus Prianto 2024-08-09 2024-08-09 7 3 1077 1093 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.459 PENGEMBANGAN KOMPETENSI BAGI PENYANDANG DISABILITAS DI ERA INDUSTRIALISASI 5.0 DALAM BIDANG KETENAGAKERJAAN DI KABUPATEN PASURUAN <p><em>The era of Industrialization 5.0 brings major changes in the world of employment, including the need for more complex and digitized skills. This presents challenges for people with disabilities in getting decent work. This study aims to analyze competency development for persons with disabilities in the era of industrialization 5.0 in the field of employment in Pasuruan Regency. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach with data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentation. The results showed that there are several obstacles in developing competencies for people with disabilities, including Limited access to education and training. Competency development efforts for persons with disabilities need to be carried out by taking into account their needs and abilities, and by involving various parties, such as the government, companies, and civil society organizations. Effective competency development for people with disabilities will help them get decent jobs and improve their lives.</em></p> Habiba A'an Warul Ulum Copyright (c) 2024 Habiba, A'an Warul Ulum 2024-08-09 2024-08-09 7 3 1094 1107 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.460 EVALUATION OF VILLAGE FUND BUDGET MANAGEMENT IN BUSINESS CAPITAL PARTICIPATION IN VILLAGE-OWNED ENTERPRISES <p><em>The provision of Village Fund Allocation is a manifestation of the fulfilment of the village's right to exercise its autonomy it grows and develops following the growth of the village itself based on diversity, participation, original autonomy, democratization, community empowerment, and increasing the role of Village Government in providing services and improving community welfare as well as spurring the acceleration of regional development and growth. This study aims to determine the evaluation and strategy in village fund management with capital participation from Village Funds. This research uses qualitative approaches and methodologies in data collection as well as data presentation. The informants in the study were all Village Governments in the Konawe Regency area that had village-owned enterprises with the criteria of Independent and Developing Villages, Problem Villages, and Developed Villages. The data analysis process in this study went through three stages: The First is data classification. Second, data interpretation is an activity that combines the results of the analysis with statements to find the meaning of data collected in the field to answer problems and researchers' efforts to interpret data that can be taken by reviewing symptoms based on their point of view, comparison with research that has been done. Third, data presentation. The strategy of mentoring and coaching by the local government, especially through the Village Community Empowerment Office of South Konawe Regency to encourage the development of Village-Owned Enterprises in each village, has not been able to answer the challenges and problems in business development.</em></p> Jopang La Taya Sanawia Copyright (c) 2024 Jopang, La Taya, Sanawia 2024-08-09 2024-08-09 7 3 1108 1126 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.461 OPTIMALISASI SISTIM INFORMASI MANAJEMEN RUMAH SAKIT DI RSUD LM. BAHARUDDIN KABUPATEN MUNA <p><em>This study aims to determine the extent of the implementation of the LM Baharudin Regional General Hospital Management System in Muna Regency. This study uses a qualitative approach, with primary and secondary data sources and supporting data obtained from books, journals, and report documents related to this study. The data analysis technique uses interactive data analysis according to Miles Huberman and Saldana. The results of the study show that SIMRS supports hospital operations by managing patient registration, medical records, and administrative reporting accurately, increasing efficiency and effectiveness. This system also reduces human error and improves data integration and the quality of patient care. To maximize benefits, hospitals need to plan the development of SIMRS well, involve various parties, and provide training to staff. The implementation of SIMRS must be accompanied by evaluation, ongoing maintenance, and integration between units to ensure a smooth and accurate information flow.</em></p> Muhammad Guntur Dano La Ode Mohammad Masri La Ode Baka Muhammad Suriyadarman Rianse Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Guntur Dano, La Ode Mohammad Masri, La Ode Baka, Muhammad Suriyadarman Rianse 2024-08-09 2024-08-09 7 3 1127 1134 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.454 IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN PENANGGULANGAN KEMISKINAN DI KOTA PAYAKUMBUH <p><em>The purpose of this study was to analyze the process and results of poverty alleviation policy implementation in Payakumbuh City, West Sumatra. Qualitative methods were used to identify the driving factors of poverty alleviation policy implementation from the perspective of policymakers and the poor in Payakumbuh City. Data collection was conducted through semi-structured interviews. Data analysis was conducted using triangulation techniques, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the study found that the process of implementing poverty alleviation policies was carried out by the Regional Poverty Alleviation Coordination Team (TKPKD). The poor in Payakumbuh City received various assistance, but the implementation of poverty alleviation policies often failed due to inadequate funds, weak supervision, and invalid data. They wanted transparency of aid recipients as well as training and business capital. This study emphasizes the importance of communication and the role of bureaucratic structure in the success of the policy.</em></p> Fittria Nazmi Asep Ajidin Copyright (c) 2024 Fittria Nazmi, Asep Ajidin 2024-08-09 2024-08-09 7 3 1135 1143 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.468 STRATEGI BISNIS DALAM MENINGKATKAN DAYA SAING PADA TOKO MANDIRI JAYA ABADI MEDAN <p><em>The building materials distribution industry is one of the economic sectors that continues to grow in line with the development and renovation in various sectors, including property and construction. The demand for building materials continues to increase with the improvement of the property and construction sectors during the post-pandemic recovery period. This study aims to formulate strategies to enhance competitiveness at Toko Mandiri Jaya Abadi Medan using SWOT analysis. In conducting this research, the researcher employed SWOT analysis with a descriptive qualitative approach to illustrate the internal and external factors of Toko Mandiri Jaya Abadi Medan. Data collection was carried out through observation and interviews with the store owner and customers. The results of this study indicate that it is necessary to implement strategies that utilize internal strengths to exploit external opportunities and reduce weaknesses by anticipating threats for the advancement of Toko Mandiri Jaya Abadi Medan.</em></p> <p> </p> Mario Andrias Kiton Michael Novranda Surbakti Nicolas Copyright (c) 2024 Mario Andrias Kiton, Michael Novranda Surbakti , Nicolas 2024-08-09 2024-08-09 7 3 1144 1152 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.469 MANAJEMEN KONFLIK DALAM NEPOTISME PENGANGKATAAN JABATAN <p><em>Traditional society has a main obligation, namely helping its family members. This attitude is also often applied by today's society which has the potential to be carried out by certain officials to pass their colleagues and family into work. As a result, others who are more worthy have no chance of taking the job. The purpose of this research is to find out conflict management in office appointment nepotism and to find out solutions in dealing with nepotism cases in the recruitment and selection process. This study uses a literature study method. The results of the study show that the Provincial Government has taken several actions to handle regulatory conflicts related to nepotism in Indonesia as stated in Law Number 28 of 1999 concerning the Administration of a State that is Free and Clean from Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism. The law first explains the importance of cracking down on nepotism.</em></p> Lidya Dwi Jayanti Tabah Maryanah Robi Cahyadi Kurniawan Copyright (c) 2024 Lidya Dwi Jayanti, Tabah Maryanah, Robi Cahyadi Kurniawan 2024-08-09 2024-08-09 7 3 1153 1163 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.470 EVALUASI PROGRAM KOTA SEHAT DI KECAMATAN WOLIO KOTA BAUBAU <p><em>This study aims to evaluate the Healthy City Program in Wolio District, Baubau City, focusing on inter-agency conditions, community participation, institutional aspects, and program impact. This research employs a qualitative descriptive approach, with in-depth interviews as the primary data collection method. The informants of this study include the Chairpersons of the Working Groups in each Kelurahan, the Coordinators of the Healthy City Forum in Wolio District, the Coordinators of the Human Resources and Resource Mobilization Section, the Coordinators of the Tatanan Development and Evaluation Section, and the program beneficiaries. The results show that the coordination between agencies in implementing the Healthy City Program in Wolio District is quite effective, although some communication barriers and task distribution issues need improvement. Community participation is relatively high, especially in cleanliness and environmental health activities, but there are still challenges in engaging all community layers actively. Institutionally, there is a clear structure, and training is provided to the Working Group members, although internal evaluation needs enhancement. The program's impact is positively perceived by the community, with improvements in environmental quality and health. However, the program's sustainability requires better inter-agency coordination and broader community participation. This study contributes to understanding the effectiveness and challenges of the Healthy City Program and provides recommendations for improving the program's implementation in the future.</em></p> Yunizal Nisaid Andi Arya Maulana Wijaya Sry Mayunita Copyright (c) 2024 Yunizal Nisaid, Andi Arya Maulana Wijaya, Sry Mayunita 2024-08-09 2024-08-09 7 3 1164 1174 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.474 PENGARUH PENERAPAN MANAJEMEN KINERJA TERHADAP PENCAPAIAN TARGET PEKERJA KONTRAK BBOP (BRILIAN BANKING OFFICER PROGRAM) JABATAN JUNIOR ASSOCIATE MANTRI PADA PT BANK RAKYAT INDONESIA (PERSERO) TBK REGIONAL OFFICE SURABAYA <p><em>The study aims to determine the Effect Of Performance Management Implementation On The Achievement Of BBOP (Brilliant Banking Officer Program) Contract Worker Target For the Junior Associate Mantri Position At Pt Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Regional Office Surabaya. Using a qualitative method with a primary data approach obtained from the BBOP Mantri Evaluation data per period. The results of the study indicate that there is a significant influence between the implementation of performance management and the achievement of worker targets, with clear goal setting, periodic feedback, and transparent performance evaluation, proven to be able to increase worker productivity and capability. This study concludes that the implementation of effective performance management is an important factor in achieving BBOP contract worker targets at PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Regional Office Surabaya. The recommendation from this study is for the company to continue to improve and optimize the performance management system to ensure that contract worker performance continues to increase and company targets are achieved.</em></p> Adi Rohman Moh Feri Tri Kartika Pertiwi Copyright (c) 2024 Adi Rohman Moh Feri, Tri Kartika Pertiwi 2024-08-09 2024-08-09 7 3 1175 1182 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.475 PERAN KRUSIAL MANAJEMEN STRATEGI DALAM MENINGKATKAN KINERJA ORGANISASI PUBLIK <p><em>Strategic management is a crucial process involving the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of decisions to achieve an organization's long-term objectives. This research examines the role of strategic management in improving the performance of public organizations in Indonesia, focusing on a review of various strategic management approaches and practices, as well as the challenges of implementation in the public sector. The method used in this study is a literature review, sourcing from books, academic journals, articles, and other relevant materials related to the research topic. Findings from this literature review indicate that adapting to technology and employing participatory approaches are key to enhancing public organization performance. However, challenges such as bureaucracy and resistance to change remain significant obstacles. With the right approach, public organizations in Indonesia can overcome these challenges and achieve better performance in serving the community.</em></p> Sukmiridiyanto Pitojo Budiono Maulana Mukhlis Copyright (c) 2024 Sukmiridiyanto, Pitojo Budiono, Maulana Mukhlis 2024-08-09 2024-08-09 7 3 1183 1189 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.476 PENGARUH KOMPETENSI DAN KETERLIBATAN KERJA TERHADAP PERILAKU KERJA INOVATIF DIMEDIASI OLEH KEPUASAN KERJA PADA ASN DI LINGKUNGAN PEMERINTAH KOTA PAYAKUMBUH <p><em>This study aims to examine the effect of competence and work involvement on innovative work behaviour mediated by job satisfaction in ASN in the Payakumbuh City government. A quantitative approach with hypothesis-testing techniques was used in this study. There were 160 samples with purposive sampling techniques, namely JPT/Echelon II officials, administrator officials (Echelon IIIA and IIIB), young/middle expert functional officials, and innovation management officials of the Payakumbuh City regional apparatus. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires online and processed using SmartPLS 3.0 software. The data analysis method uses structural equation modelling with partial least squares (SEM-PLS). The results showed that competence has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction and innovative work behaviour. Job involvement has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction but is not significant for innovative work behaviour. Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on innovative work behaviour. Job satisfaction is able to mediate the relationship between work involvement and innovative work behaviour but is unable to mediate the relationship between competence and innovative work behaviour. The implications of the research emphasize the importance of providing comfort to ASN while working so that they can be encouraged to work innovatively.</em></p> Erwan Yulihasri Copyright (c) 2024 Erwan, Yulihasri 2024-08-09 2024-08-09 7 3 1190 1205 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.477 THE INFLUENCE OF GREENWASHING PERCEPTION AND WORD-OF-MOUTH TOWARD GREEN PURCHASE INTENTION ON SINGLE-USE PLASTIC PRODUCTS <p><em>The background of this research is the misleading eco-friendly claim made by manufacturers of products with disposable packaging (Single-Use Plastic Products). These practices are referred to as greenwashing. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of greenwashing perceptions and word-of-mouth on green purchase intention towards environmentally friendly products on products that use Single-Use plastic packaging, especially bottled mineral water products (Air Minum dalam Kemasan/AMDK). The research method uses a quantitative approach. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling, where respondents are selected by considering certain criteria. The number of samples in this study was 160 respondents who live in Padang City, Indonesia. The data collection technique uses a survey method with questionnaires both online and offline. The data processing method uses Structural Equation Modeling - Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) v4. The results showed that greenwashing perception has a negative effect on green purchase intention. This means that the higher the greenwashing perception of consumers, the lower their intention to purchase disposable packaging products. Meanwhile, word-of-mouth has a positive and significant effect on green purchase intention.</em></p> Nurul Marliza Putri Hesti Hafiz Rahman Donard Games Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul Marliza Putri Hesti, Hafiz Rahman, Donard Games 2024-08-09 2024-08-09 7 3 1206 1214 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.479 ANALISIS STRATEGIS KEBIJAKAN HILIRISASI MINERAL: Implikasi Ekonomi dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Perekonomian Indonesia <p><em>Mineral downstreaming is a strategic policy aimed at increasing the value-added of mineral products and optimizing the utilization of natural resources. This policy aims to reduce the export of raw ore and increase the production of finished goods domestically, which has significant potential to secure national foreign exchange reserves and strengthen Indonesia's competitiveness in the global market. This study aims to analyze the implications and impacts of mineral downstreaming policy on the Indonesian economy. The method used is a literature review with a qualitative descriptive approach. The research findings indicate that by promoting further processing and innovation in technology development, nickel downstreaming not only has positive economic impacts through increased revenues in the non-oil and gas sector and corporate contributions to government revenues but also significantly contributes to environmental sustainability. The development of nickel downstream industries not only creates new job opportunities and reduces unemployment rates but also stimulates growth in related industries and enhances the demand for domestic technology.</em></p> Ferdinand Tharorogo Wau Mario Andrias Kiton Marselino Wau Jhon Firman Fau Copyright (c) 2024 Ferdinand Tharorogo Wau, Mario Andrias Kiton, Marselino Wau, Jhon Firman Fau 2024-08-09 2024-08-09 7 3 1215 1224 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.481 KEPUASAN KERJA MEMEDIASI PENGARUH WORKPLACE SPIRITUALITY DAN RELIGIOSITY TERHADAP KINERJA APARATUR SIPIL NEGARA (STUDI KASUS PADA BADAN KEPEGAWAIAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN SUMBERDAYA MANUSIA KABUPATEN PESISIR SELATAN) <p><em>This study aims to analyze the effect of Workplace Spirituality, and religiosity on the performance of civil servants with job satisfaction as a mediating variable. This research is quantitative research. This type of research is correlational research. A correlational investigation is an identification of important factors that are "related to" the problem. The study used all state civil apparatus respondents totaling 61 people who worked at the South Coastal Regency Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency. this research technique uses the Census, which means that information collection from all members of the population is used as a sample to collect information. The data collection technique used a questionnaire, while the data analysis used SmartPLS. The results showed that: (1) Workplace Spirituality has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance, (2) Religiosity has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance, (3) Workplace Spirituality has a positive and significant effect on Job Satisfaction, (4) Religiosity has a positive and significant effect on Job Satisfaction, (5) Job Satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, (6) Job Satisfaction Mediates the effect of Workplace Spirituality on Employee Performance, providing a positive impact and significant influence on employee performance in the context of work discipline, and (7) Job Satisfaction Mediates the effect of Religiosity on Employee Performance.</em></p> Ricky Saputra Herri Yulihasri Copyright (c) 2024 Ricky Saputra, Herri, Yulihasri 2024-08-09 2024-08-09 7 3 1225 1236 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.480 IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN PELAYANAN PUBLIK PADA MAL PELAYANAN PUBLIK KOTA PAYAKUMBUH <p><em>The policy for implementing the Public Service Mall in Payakumbuh City is a renewal as well as a strategic step in an effort to improve public services that are fast, easy, affordable, safe, and comfortable. The aim of the research is to identify the methods, techniques, or strategies that have been carried out by the Payakumbuh City Government in implementing public service policies at the Payakumbuh City Public Service Center. This research uses the policy implementation model proposed by George Edwards III. Policy implementation is examined from four perspectives, namely: communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. The research uses qualitative methods, with data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentation. In general, the research results illustrate that the implementation of the Public Service Mall in Payakumbuh City has been running well in accordance with applicable regulations, so it received an award from the Indonesian Ombudsman with the highest score in West Sumatra Province as the city organizes compliance with public service delivery in 2023.</em></p> Yossa Fitria Roni Ekha Putera Copyright (c) 2024 Yossa Fitria, Roni Ekha Putera 2024-08-09 2024-08-09 7 3 1237 1250 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.483 IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN LAYANAN INSAN UTAMA DI DINAS KEPENDUDUKAN DAN PENCATATAN SIPIL KOTA PAYAKUMBUH <p><em>The purpose of this study is to analyze the process and results of INSAN UTAMA service policy implementation in Payakumbuh City, West Sumatra. Qualitative methods were used to identify the drivers of INSAN UTAMA service policy implementation from the perspectives of policymakers and service users in Payakumbuh City. Data collection was conducted through semi-structured interviews. Data analysis was conducted using triangulation techniques, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results found that the process of implementing the INSAN UTAMA service policy was carried out by the INSAN UTAMA service coordination team, namely the Population and Civil Registration Office (Disdukcapil) and the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag), with the Religious Affairs Office (KUA) as the technical implementer. INSAN UTAMA service users obtained accelerated issuance of identity cards, such as identity cards (KTP) and family cards (KK), shortly after the marriage contract was held. Service users were satisfied with the performance of the INSAN UTAMA service. The INSAN UTAMA service can be a model for Disdukcapil in other districts or cities. The research implications emphasize the importance of communication in the substance of a policy. Through communication, it will be easier to mobilize both human resources, information, authority, and necessary facilities. Bureaucratic structure and disposition also play an important role in determining the success of implementing a policy.</em></p> Usfa Haryanti Tun Huseno Copyright (c) 2024 Usfa Haryanti, Tun Huseno 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 7 3 1251 1262 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.484 IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN DALAM UPAYA MENGATASI DAN MENCEGAH PENYEBARAN WABAH PMK DAN LSDV OLEH BPTUHPT PADANG MENGATAS <p><em>This study aims to analyze the implementation of FMD and LSDV prevention policies by BPTUHPT Padang Mengatas, West Sumatra Province. The method used in this research is a qualitative method to see how the implementation of FMD and LSDV outbreak prevention policies. Data collection was carried out using interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out using triangulation techniques, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the implementation of FMD and LSDV outbreak prevention policies at BPTU HPT Padang Mengatas was well implemented. Supported by adequate resources, facilities, and infrastructure for supporting the FMD and LSDV prevention processes. The bureaucratic structure is well implemented in formulating policies and in their implementation in the field, which is in accordance with the qualifications of employees who are experts in their fields. The communication process for providing information about standard procedures for preventing FMD and LSDV outbreaks has been carried out well in accordance with policy objectives. The attitude of policy implementers toward carrying out prevention can be accepted by leaders and also by the public who visit BPTU HPT Padang Mengatas. The implementation of this FMD and LSDV outbreak prevention policy has been carried out well at BPTU HPT Padang Mengatas.</em></p> Erman Syarif Roni Ekha Putera Copyright (c) 2024 Erman Syarif, Roni Ekha Putera 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 7 3 1263 1271 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.487 PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT DALAM PROGRAM PUSPAGA DIKELURAHAN SIDODADI KECAMATAN SIMOKERTO SURABAYA <p><em>The purpose of this research is to increase knowledge about the protection of children and their families and the importance of utilizing government facilities for community empowerment. The type of research used was descriptive with a qualitative approach and applied a purposive sampling method to select informants, including the head of RW 05, Sidodadi village staff, Puspaga facilitators, and guardians of SMP Negeri 41 Surabaya students. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. Community Empowerment in RW 05 Sidodadi Village is measured using indicators of planned and collective action, improving people's lives, prioritizing vulnerable or disadvantaged groups and supporting capacity-building programs according to Hasibuan. The results showed that there were three indicators that were considered very well implemented and even sustainable until now and there was one indicator that was still considered insufficient due to the lack of community participation in utilizing the facilities that had been provided by the Surabaya Office of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection and Population Control and Family Planning (DP3APPKB) through Puspaga facilitators who were distributed in several villages in Surabaya, East Java.</em></p> Tiara Rizka Alfiana Ilmi Usrotin Choiriyah Copyright (c) 2024 Tiara Rizka Alfiana, Ilmi Usrotin Choiriyah 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 7 3 1272 1287 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.490 ANALISIS EFEKTIVITAS SISTEM AKUNTABILITAS KINERJA INSTANSI PEMERINTAH (SAKIP) PADA PERWAKILAN BPKP PROVINSI SUMATERA BARAT <p><em>This research aims to (1) determine the achievements and alignment of the SAKIP components of the West Sumatra Province BPKP Representative, (2) determine the effectiveness of SAKIP implementation including the use of information technology in measuring SAKIP, and (3) determine the factors that influence the implementation of SAKIP in the West Sumatra Province BPKP Representative. The research methodology used is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. Data collection is done through interviews, observation, documentation, and literature study. Interviews were conducted with the leadership and several employees involved in implementing SAKIP. The results of the research show that the achievements of the SAKIP Representative of the BPKP of West Sumatra Province during 2021-2023 experienced fluctuations in increases and decreases. SAKIP at the West Sumatra Province BPKP Representative is running effectively if viewed from 3 (three) effectiveness perspectives according to Duncan's theory. However, there are still obstacles that influence the implementation of SAKIP, namely the reward and punishment system is not yet operational, and the quality of human resources is not optimal because only a small number of employees receive training related to SAKIP and performance accountability.</em></p> Wina Stephani Efa Yonnedi Copyright (c) 2024 Wina Stephani, Efa Yonnedi 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 7 3 1288 1302 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.491 ANALISA DAMPAK PEMBERDAYAAN KELUARGA MISKIN MELALUI BANTUAN SOSIAL TERHADAP KESEJAHTERAAN DI KECAMATAN PAYAKUMBUH SELATAN KOTA PAYAKUMBUH <p><em>The purpose of this study was to analyze the strategy and impact of the implementation of community empowerment as well as the effect of social assistance on improving the welfare of poor families in Payakumbuh Selatan Sub-district, Payakumbuh City. Data collection was conducted through semi-structured interviews. Data analysis was carried out using triangulation techniques. The results of the study found that the Regional Apparatus has provided assistance in the form of productive economic business development facilities for the extremely poor and the poor in the data on the Acceleration of Targeting for Extreme Poverty Reduction (P3KE). In addition, the budget was also increased through fiscal incentives to conduct skills training and empower the poor. As a result, the poor in Payakumbuh Selatan Sub-district have received assistance for business capital. For the vulnerable, such as people with disabilities and the elderly, social protection and security assistance are provided, such as the National Health Insurance (JKN), the Family Hope Program (PKH), and rice groceries. There are several factors that hinder the running of the empowerment program, such as inadequate facilities and infrastructure, not yet mapping the potential and abilities of poor families who will be optimally empowered, and the personal mentality of the poor themselves.</em></p> Rina Deswita Ria Ariany Copyright (c) 2024 Rina Deswita, Ria Ariany 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 7 3 1303 1316 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.492 PRAKTIK BAIK PENGGUNAAN DANA ALOKASI UMUM DI KECAMATAN PAYAKUMBUH SELATAN <p><em>The The purpose of this study was to analyze the good practice of using the General Allocation Fund (DAU) in Payakumbuh Selatan Sub-district, Payakumbuh City. Data collection was conducted through semi-structured interviews. Data analysis was conducted using triangulation techniques, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of the study found that the realization of the use of DAU in the South Payakumbuh Sub-district showed very good performance, with a success rate of 95% in 2023. The process and all activities related to the use of DAU are carried out by the Budget User Authority (KPA), the Activity Technical Implementation Officer (PPTK), the Financial Administration Officer (PPK), the Treasurer, and several personnel who are assigned by each village. Employees in each kelurahan are assigned to succeed in the three focuses of the government through socialization related to stunting, technical guidance related to reducing inflation, and entrepreneurship training. There are several factors that inhibit the use of the DAU program, such as too high a comparison between the unit price listed in the Budget Implementation Document (DPA) and the real price in the field, the lack of personnel in several villages, and the existence of multiple positions that make the work process not optimal.</em></p> Melga Amelia Delfia Tanjung Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Melga Amelia, Delfia Tanjung Sari 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 7 3 1317 1327 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.493 PENGARUH MODEL BISNIS DIGITAL TERHADAP KINERJA USAHA MIKRO DAN KECIL SEKTOR KULINER DI KOTA PADANG: Efek Mediasi dari Pembaruan Bisnis <p><em>This study aims to empirically prove the effect of digital business models on the performance of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) in Padang City and the role of business renewal in strengthening the relationship. A total of 170 MSEs in the culinary sector that have been digitized for at least two years and are domiciled in Padang City were used as research samples. Data were collected through distributing questionnaires, and data analysis was carried out using quantitative methods with path analysis. The results of hypothesis testing show that the digital business model has no direct significant effect on financial performance or non-financial performance. In contrast, business renewal has a positive and significant influence on financial performance and non-financial performance. In addition, digital business models also have a positive and significant effect on business renewal. The indirect effect of digital business models on financial performance through business renewal is significant, but its indirect effect on non-financial performance through business renewal is not significant. Overall, this study confirms the importance of business renewal in mediating the relationship between digital business models and MSEs' financial performance. Although the digital business model does not have a significant direct effect on financial and non-financial performance, it is not significant.</em></p> Dian Harja Donard Games Dessy Kurnia Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Dian Harja, Donard Games, Dessy Kurnia Sari 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 7 3 1328 1342 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.494 ILLEGAL ENTREPRENEUR: NECESSITY BASE ENTREPRENEUR OR OPPORTUNITY BASE ENTREPRENEUR (Exploratory Study of Illegal Entrepreneurship in Padang City) <p><em>The development of business opportunities and life demands have led many entrepreneurs to operate illegally, including those in Padang City, West Sumatra. This study aims to understand the motivations behind illegal entrepreneurs in Padang City, West Sumatra, for starting their businesses. The research employs a qualitative method using thematic analysis with NVivo 12 Plus software for data processing. The findings reveal that the motivations for illegal entrepreneurship in Padang City are driven partly by necessity (Necessity-Based Entrepreneur) and partly by the recognition of business opportunities (Opportunity-Based Entrepreneur). Necessity-based illegal entrepreneurship is observed in the sand mining sector and the counterfeit products sector. Conversely, opportunity-based entrepreneurship is identified in the thrifting sector and also in the counterfeit products sector. Additionally, the study finds that some illegal entrepreneurs are driven by personal interests or comfort, particularly in the thrifting and sand mining sectors. Generally, illegal businesses in Padang City operate without permits and do not pay taxes. A portion of these entrepreneurs are unaware of the legal consequences of their activities, while others are cognizant of the potential repercussions of engaging in illegal businesses.</em></p> Riko Putra Hafiz Rahman Alfitman Copyright (c) 2024 Riko Putra, Hafiz Rahman, Alfitman 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 7 3 1343 1351 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.495 PENGARUH LINGKUNGAN KERJA DAN MOTIVASI KERJA TERHADAP KIRNERJA KARYAWAN PT. ANTAM (Persero) Tbk. UNIT BISNIS PERTAMBANGAN NIKEL (UBPN) KOLAKA <p><em>This study aims to examine the influence of the work environment and work motivation on the performance of employees of PT. Antam Tbk. UBPN Kolaka, The type of data is quantitative data sourced from 108 employee respondents using a questionnaire instrument in the form of a Google form as a data collection technique. The sampling technique is random sampling. The data were processed using statistical tests and analyzed by multiple regression. The results of the study show that, partially, the work environment does not have a significant effect on employee performance, but it needs to be explained that, in general, the employees surveyed are those who work in open spaces (not in offices/buildings), on the contrary, work motivation has a significant effect on employee performance. Simultaneously showed a significant influence between the driving environment and work motivation on employee performance.</em></p> Muhammad Basri Rosfiah Arsal Hasran Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Basri, Rosfiah Arsal, Hasran 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 7 3 1352 1362 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.502 FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KUALITAS LAPORAN STANDAR PELAYANAN MINIMAL PEMERINTAH KOTA PAYAKUMBUH <p><em>This study aims to examine the effect of HR competencies and information technology on the quality of the Minimum Service Standards (MSS) report moderated by an organizational commitment among Payakumbuh City Government employees in West Sumatra. A quantitative approach with hypothesis-testing techniques was used in this study. There were 35 samples with the purposive sampling technique, namely officials and employees who were directly involved in the preparation of the SPM Report, namely the Head of SKPD, PPK, and Subag Program. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires in the form of questionnaires and processed using SmartPLS 3.0 software. The data analysis method uses structural equation modelling. The results showed that HR competence had a positive but insignificant effect on the quality of SPM reports, information technology had a positive but insignificant effect on the quality of SPM reports, and organizational commitment had a positive and significant effect on the quality of SPM reports. Organizational commitment was unable to moderate the relationship between HR competence and information technology with the quality of SPM reports. The research implications emphasize the importance of maximizing HR competencies, information technology, and employee commitment when working so as to improve performance.</em></p> Suci Ramadhani Roni Ekha Putera Copyright (c) 2024 Suci Ramadhani, Roni Ekha Putera 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 7 3 1363 1376 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.488 IMPLEMENTASI PERATURAN KODE ETIK TERHADAP ANGGOTA POLRI YANG MELANGGAR KETENTUAN PIDANA <p><em>This study aims to determine the implementation of the code of ethics regulations against members of the Indonesian National Police who violate criminal provisions. This research method combines normative and empirical approaches to analyze the implementation of the code of ethics regulations against members of the Indonesian National Police who violate criminal provisions. The method of processing and analyzing data uses data listing, data coding, tabulation, and data analysis. The results of the study indicate that the enforcement of the code of ethics for members of the Indonesian National Police is very important to improve the professionalism and positive image of the police. Factors that influence the enforcement of this code of ethics can be categorized into external and internal factors, as well as cultural factors that influence the culture of the police organization. By considering these factors and implementing the right strategy, it is hoped that the enforcement of the code of ethics for members of the Indonesian National Police can improve professionalism, improve the image of the Indonesian National Police, and increase public trust in the police institution.</em></p> Abdul Kalam Azad Arifai Abdul Jabal Rahim Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Kalam Azad, Arifai, Abdul Jabal Rahim 2024-08-24 2024-08-24 7 3 1377 1388 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.496 IMPLEMENTASI TRAFFIC ACCIDENT ANALYSIS GUNA MENANGGULANGI KECELAKAAN LALU LINTAS <p><em>This study aims to determine the Implementation of Traffic Accident Analysis to Overcome Traffic Accidents. This research method combines normative and empirical approaches to analyze the implementation of traffic accident analysis which aims to reduce traffic accidents. The data processing and analysis methods use data listing, data coding, tabulation, and data analysis. The results of the study indicate that the Implementation of Traffic Accident Analysis is an important strategic step to reduce the number of traffic accidents by utilizing accurate data and in-depth analysis. There are various internal and external factors that influence the effectiveness of this implementation at the Polres level, which are related to the quality and quantity of personnel, facilities and infrastructure, and public awareness. In order to reduce the number of accidents, fundamental improvements are needed in both internal and external factors. Improving the quality of education and training of police officers, implementing modern technology in Traffic Accident Analysis, and consistent law enforcement are important steps. In addition, education to the public and improving infrastructure facilities must be carried out simultaneously to achieve optimal results in traffic safety.</em></p> Fadlan Kamaruddin Arifai Copyright (c) 2024 Fadlan, Kamaruddin, Arifai 2024-08-24 2024-08-24 7 3 1389 1401 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.497 INTERVENSI NETIZEN DALAM PROSES DAN PENEGAKAN HUKUM DI INDONESIA <p><em>The influence of public opinion and "trial by social media" on the law enforcement process in Indonesia using a normative and empirical approach. The introduction explains the background to the importance of understanding the impact of social media on the law. Research methods involve statutory studies, legal cases, and literature studies, as well as collecting primary data through interviews and focus group discussions. This research found that netizen intervention had a positive influence, such as increasing community participation, empowering information, and promoting justice. However, negative challenges and impacts are also significant, including the spread of misinformation, political and legal discrimination, and the manipulation of personal interests. Furthermore, "trial by social media" affects legal independence through increased public pressure, influence on public perception, dissemination of inaccurate information, decreased public trust, manipulation by certain groups, and obstruction of effective legal processes.</em></p> Firman Akbar Ali Rizky Kamaruddin Copyright (c) 2024 Firman Akbar, Ali Rizky, Kamaruddin 2024-08-24 2024-08-24 7 3 1402 1418 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.498 DAMPAK PERUBAHAN NILAI-NILAI HUKUM DALAM MASYARAKAT TRADISIONAL DAN MODERN <p><em>This study aims to determine the impact of changes in legal values ​​in traditional and modern societies. This type of research uses a legal research type. The approach methods used in this study are the Statute Approach, Conceptual Approach, and Case Approach with primary and secondary legal materials with perspective analysis techniques. (Peter Mahmud, 2008:93). The results of the study show that the transformation of values ​​from traditional to modern societies has a significant impact on social stability, family relationships, and social interactions. Traditional values ​​such as mutual cooperation and obedience to parents maintain harmony and solidarity, while the shift to individualistic values ​​in modern society tends to reduce community involvement and weaken family social support, so strategies are needed to support social and emotional well-being in modern society.</em></p> Muhammad Surya Bimantoro Kamaruddin Arifai Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Surya Bimantoro, Kamaruddin, Arifai 2024-08-24 2024-08-24 7 3 1419 1426 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.499 EFEKTIVITAS PROGRAM POSYANDU LANSIA DI DESA TAMBAK KALISOGO KECAMATAN JABON KABUPATEN SIDOARJO <p><em>The following research aims to describe and analyze the effectiveness of the Elderly Posyandu Program in Tambak Kalisogo Village. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The informants in this research were determined through purposive sampling, consisting of the Head of the Posyandu for the Elderly, the Village Treasurer, the Elderly Community, and the Head of Services as the person in charge of the Posyandu for the elderly program. The informant selection technique used in the following research is purposive sampling, namely technique. The data analysis model is carried out through the Miles Huberman analysis model (1984), namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the research show that the effectiveness of the elderly posyandu program in Tambak Kalisogo Village, Jabon District, Sidoarjo Regency is not optimal due to the lack of participation of elderly people in taking part in elderly posyandu activities. has not been implemented in its entirety. This means that the effectiveness of the elderly posyandu program in Tambak Kalisogo Village cannot be said to be effective.</em></p> Ari Nur Aliyah Rohalia Hendra Sukmana Copyright (c) 2024 Ari Nur Aliyah Rohalia, Hendra Sukmana 2024-08-24 2024-08-24 7 3 1427 1442 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.501 PENGARUH BUDAYA LOKAL TERHADAP PELAKSANAAN RESTORATIVE JUSTICE DI INDONESIA <p><em>Restorative Justice (RJ) is an approach in the criminal justice system that focuses on repairing relationships between offenders, victims, and the community, differing from the conventional system that emphasizes punishment. In Indonesia, RJ faces unique challenges due to the diversity of local cultures that influence conflict resolution and the enforcement of laws. Cultural values such as mutual cooperation, deliberation, and customary peace can enrich the RJ process but also encounter challenges when they conflict with human rights principles or national laws. This research aims to explore the impact of local culture on the process and outcomes of RJ in resolving criminal cases in Indonesia. The methods employed include legislative, conceptual, and case approaches with prescriptive analysis. The findings indicate that the integration of local culture, such as deliberation and involvement of traditional leaders, enhances the effectiveness of RJ and victim satisfaction. However, challenges such as cultural value differences and national legal frameworks need to be addressed.</em></p> Nasaruddin Aly Rizky Abdul Jabal Rahim Copyright (c) 2024 Nasaruddin, Aly Rizky, Abdul Jabal Rahim 2024-08-24 2024-08-24 7 3 1443 1450 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.500 STRATEGI PEMERINTAH DESA DALAM PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT PESISIR <p><em>This research documents the strategies implemented by the Lemo village government to empower the seaweed farming community. Through a qualitative descriptive approach, data was collected through observation and interviews with 6 informants covering various roles in village government and society. The findings show that the Lemo village government implemented a strategy based on improving the quality of human resources, strengthening potential, and developing farmer groups. This analysis discusses the impact of this strategy on people's knowledge, skills, and awareness of seaweed cultivation, as well as its implications for the independence and welfare of coastal communities.</em></p> Ulfah Attamimi Muhammad Ihsan Mattalitti Riston G. Ahmad Copyright (c) 2024 Ulfah Attamimi, Muhammad Ihsan Mattalitti, Riston G. Ahmad 2024-08-24 2024-08-24 7 3 1451 1459 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.503 IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN ONE VILLAGE ONE PRODUCT (OVOP) TERLAKSANA PADA KAMPUNG RENDANG DI KOTA PAYAKUMBUH <p><em>The purpose of this research is to understand and analyze the implementation of the One Village, One Product (OVOP) policy in Kampung Rendang, Payakumbuh City, West Sumatra. The thematic analysis method with a qualitative deductive concept was used to identify the driving factors of OVOP policy implementation from the point of view of policymakers and Rendang Small and Medium Industries (SMIs) in the Rendang Village Center. Data collection was conducted through semi-structured interviews. Data processing was done in Nvivo 12 Plus using the saturation technique. The results found that there were 10 factors driving the implementation of OVOP policy from the policymakers and 8 factors driving the implementation of OVOP policy from the SMIs. OVOP policy is the responsibility of the Department of Labor and Industry (Disnakerperin). Disnakerperin has the right to assess the performance of OVOP SMIs and then coordinate it with other responsible parties. Policymakers have provided training, mentoring, promotional platforms, market access, and licensing for Rendang SMIs in the Rendang Village Center. The OVOP policy in Kampung Rendang has generally been successful but still needs to be reviewed for improvement. The research implications emphasize the importance of communication in the substance of a policy. Through communication, it will be easier to mobilize both human resources, information, authority, and the necessary facilities. Bureaucratic structure and disposition also play an important role in determining the success of implementing a policy.</em></p> Dasatry Dwi Ramadona Asep Ajidin Copyright (c) 2024 Dasatry Dwi Ramadona, Asep Ajidin 2024-08-24 2024-08-24 7 3 1460 1470 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.505 COLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE DALAM PELAYANAN ADMINISTRASI KEPENDUDUKAN BAGI MASYARAKAT MISKIN DI DESA KESAMBEN KULON <p><em>The government must be able to overcome problems related to population administration in order to provide public services, especially in rural areas. One of the communities in Gresik Regency that has problems accessing population administration is Kesamben Kulon Village, especially for the poor. The Non-Governmental Organization Women's Group and Life Resources intervened through the INKLUSI Program from one of the 6 priority issues, namely legal identity guarantees for marginalized communities to overcome population administration problems faced by the poor in Kesamben Kulon Village. This is done through collaborative governance with the Population and Civil Registration Service of Gresik Regency. This study used a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The focus of this study is to use the collaborative governance theory according to Ansell and Gash (2007:228) which emphasizes Face Dialogue, Trust Building, Commitment to The Process, Shared Understanding, and Intermediate Outcome. The results of the analysis of this study show that the five indicators of the collaborative governance process by Ansell and Gash (2007:228) have been carried out by each stakeholder.</em></p> Mareta Ryarsa Hanyfa Eni Rustianingsih Copyright (c) 2024 Mareta Ryarsa Hanyfa, Eni Rustianingsih 2024-09-04 2024-09-04 7 3 1471 1488 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.507 ANALISIS FUNGSI BADAN PERMUSYAWARATAN DESA DALAM PENYELENGGARAAN PEMERINTAH DESA DI DESA BALASARI KECAMATAN POLEANG BARAT KABUPATEN BOMBANA <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the function of the Village Consultative Body (BPD) in Balasari Village, Bombana Regency. The research method used is Qualitative Descriptive. The results of this study indicate that the function of the BPD based on Permendagri Number 110 of 2016 articles 31 to 51 and article 71 has not been running optimally because the first function has been implemented properly as seen in Village Regulation Number 2 of 2023 concerning Direct Cash Assistance for Village Funds for the 2023 Budget Year, but its transparency is minimal, not everyone knows about the existence of the Village Regulation in Balasari Village. The second function of the BPD is not maximally responsible because most of the aspirations that have been collected have not been channelled. The third function of the BPD is not implemented in accordance with compliance with legal regulations, this is because supervision of the village head's performance is only carried out during his free time.</em></p> Anis Ribcalia Septiana Achmad Lamo Said Anis Ribcalia Septiana Copyright (c) 2024 Anis Ribcalia Septiana, Achmad Lamo Said, Anis Ribcalia Septiana 2024-09-05 2024-09-05 7 3 1489 1496 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.508 ANALYSIS OF LIVESTOCK RESOURCE ALLOCATION IN CATTLE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT <p><em>The economic performance of farmers’ households shows the allocation of resources owned by households for productive, consumptive, and investment activities. The largest allocation for cattle business illustrates the responsibility of farmers’ households in using resources for their goals. The research used a survey method. Then, the data collection technique employed interviews with respondents from cattle farmers' households by using the designated questionnaire. The sampling method was purposive, which was the population of cattle farmers’ households receiving capital assistance for cattle business and selling their cattle from capital assistance. The resource allocation for the cattle business was significantly influenced by the total of the received capital assistance, the value of calves, and the allocation of capital assistance for non-cattle businesses.</em></p> Sintya J K Umboh Boyke Rorimpandey Merci R Waani Copyright (c) 2024 Sintya J K Umboh, Boyke Rorimpandey, Merci R Waani 2024-09-05 2024-09-05 7 3 1497 1501 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.513 PENGARUH INTEGRITAS IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN DAN KUALITAS PELAYANAN TERHADAP KEPUASAN MASYARAKAT DALAM PEMBUATAN KARTU TANDA PENDUDUK ELEKTRONIK <p><em>The Civil Registration and Population Office of Central Buton Regency has implemented population policies and provided electronic identity card services based on directives from the central government. This study aims to analyze the impact of implementation integrity and service quality on public satisfaction in the process of obtaining electronic identity cards. The research uses a quantitative method, with primary data as the main source of information. The research strategy employed is a survey involving 248 randomly selected samples. The data analysis technique used is inferential statistical analysis with multiple linear regression procedures in IBM SPSS Statistics version 26.0. From the unstandardized coefficients of the constant (intercept), implementation integrity (X1), and service quality (X2), a multiple regression equation can be formulated as Y=3.267+0.219⋅X1+0.232⋅X2. Individually, both implementation integrity and service quality positively affect public satisfaction. Simultaneously, these two variables influence public satisfaction in the process of obtaining electronic identity cards by 27.2%, while the remaining 72.8% is influenced by other factors not included in the research model.</em></p> Sabaruddin Syamsul Alam Tora Akadira Copyright (c) 2024 Sabaruddin, Syamsul Alam, Tora Akadira 2024-09-05 2024-09-05 7 3 1502 1516 10.35817/publicuho.v7i3.514